Eating is an emotional experience.

We try to make catering taking care of the atmosphere, with staff who take care of you to make you feel at home.
Our cooks and pizza makers are used to attention to detail, with proposals and products cooked expressly for you.
There are no elements that are more or less important than others. A good meal is not just something that fills the stomach, but something pleasant that we may have forgotten, that we haven’t experienced for a long time.

We cook with love,
We taste with passion,
We always eat 100% Italian

“Three boys from the village… who grew up too fast, a single passion, for home cooking…”

It is with this refrain in mind that Andrea, Simone and Riccardo have decided to launch themselves into the world of Roman catering, dreaming of merging the traditions inherited from their grandmothers with those of the extreme search for quality.

Tired of delighting only the palates of friends and relatives, they have decided to offer their recipes and delicacies to anyone who wants them in the center of Rome, in the splendid and welcoming via del Governo Vecchio, right next to the marvelous Piazza Navona.

And finally in a 16th century building between ancient arches and unique coffered ceilings they have created Cantina e Cucina, a place with a Vintage style, with modern comfort but with an ancient flavor, like that of the past.

A place to meet up in the company of friends, to celebrate romantic anniversaries or to stop even for a solitary break, certain to find that warmth of the inns of yesteryear, where the guest mingles with the friend.

Between a Carbonara with Artichokes and a Crunchy Amatriciana, between a naturally leavened Pizza and succulent Ciccia from the Feroci Macelleria and between Cold Cuts and Cheeses of the best tradition, you will be spoiled for choice to satisfy your palate and you can wash it all down with the excellent choice from our Cellar or with our Cocktails artfully prepared by our hands.

Reading this, I must have made you hungry and the only remedy is…to visit us…

We are waiting for you!

Andrea, Simone and Riccardo

The Services

Here you can enjoy a good coffee sitting in our internal rooms.
You can taste a good wine or a cocktail prepared by our selected Barmen.
CELLAR & CUCINA is not only Hosteria and Pizzeria, we are also:

Cocktail Bar
Aperitive Bar
Coffee bar


Hosteria e Pizzeria


What do guests say about us?
Those who praise themselves cheat and so we decided to give the floor directly to our customers by fishing the latest reviews directly from TripAdvisor!


Where we are and how you can reach us

Address: Via del Governo Vecchio, 87, 00186 – Rome
Open every day from 11:00 to 23:30
Facebook: @cantinaecucina
TripAdvisor: Cantina & Cucina